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Old Androids Never Die, They Just Have A Few Screws Loose

Archive for the ‘Steam’ Category


This game is unreasonably cute. So far it seems like a fairly simple, straightforward puzzle(ish) game, no idea if there are any platforming aspects to it but so far the gameplay seems to revolve around exploration, collection of patterns and materials for customizing Stuffie, and using abilities gained from the patterns to progress. Runs good […]

Stupid Linux Steam Tricks #312

Is a native game crashing? Would you like a log file? Go into the game's properties and set its launch options to: script -c "%command%" /home/YOURUSER/log.txt Make sure that YOURUSER is your actual home directory (obviously), or point the log file path wherever else you want.

Outbreak: Epidemic on Steam

Linux support, cross-platform co-op, and continuing the plot and world of previous releases, Epidemic is free to play and the DLC is worth every cent. I helped beta test this game and found it to run flawlessly on Ubuntu.

Bloodstained: Lies Of The Publisher

Well, now that's quite the "middleware issue" isn't it? Seems to me the game runs just fine on Proton and Wine... And a windowed-mode desktop shot (with the game's process highlighted in system monitor) as more proof this runs just fine, but ANYONE can set this up and try it. Platinum ratings coming in on […]


Bumped CC2's memory up to 32GB so I can run a lot of containers on it. Also, I'm doing my first Proton build to fix a bug in the save function for Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists. Once I test it, I'll submit it to the project.

Great for Warframe… and other games too

GloriousEggroll has a custom Proton build with fixes for Warframe support, and updated DXVK and FAudio baked in. This build fixed issues I was having with NVidia driver updates having broken previously-working games like RE2, and it performs awesomely. Highly recommended!